Caminando con la princesa de mis dias

Caminando con la princesa de mis dias
Foto: © Familia Radtke-Orbegoso, 2024.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

05 de setiembre - Participación política de Migrantes

Para Compartir:

Politische Partizipation von Migrant_innen:
Städte und Regionen in der europäischen Perspektive
5. September 2011, 16.30Uhr, Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus, Raum 311

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Workshop on „Political Participation of Migrants: Cities and Regions in a European perspective”
Monday, 5 September 2011, 4.30pm – 9pm Parliament of Berlin City, Niederkirchnerstraße 5 in 10117 Berlin Room 311 (3rd floor)

Dear Sir or Madame, dear friends,
As part of the project Jede Stimme 2011 Citizens For Europe e.V. and the SPD parliamentary group of the city parliament of Berlin would kindly like to invite you to our workshop: „Political Participation of Migrants: Cities and Regions in a European perspective”. This event is organised in cooperation with the Hertie-Foundation, the British Council and the Bertelsmann Foundation.

Panel discussion with:

Dr. Christian Hanke, Districht Mayor, Berlin Mitte, DE
Lydia Mutsch, Mayor Esch-sur-Alzette, LU
Fatima Elatik, District Mayor, Amsterdam East, NL
Dr. Maciej St. Zięba, Integration Officer of the region Lublin, PL

with an input speech from Prof. Dr. Thomas Huddleston, MIPEX

simultaneous interpretation: English-German

16.30 – 18.30 input and panel discussion
18.30 – 19.00 coffee break
19.00 – 20.15 interactive working-tables
20.15 – 20.30 conclusions


Berlin, just as other major cities in Europe, is rich with a diverse population regarding different national and cultural backgrounds. Even the official city marketing campaign proudly advertises Berlin as home to 198 nationalities. However, when it comes to political participation rights of long-term residents other than German nationals, Berlin still faces barriers of an outdated definition of who is its “people” or sovereign. Thus, around 460 000 non-national habitants, or 13% of Berlin’s population, are excluded from the upcoming regional parliamentary election in September 2011. Looking beyond and ahead, political participation of migrants is an important topic in many cities and regions across Europe. Together with local political representatives and civil society organisations from Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Poland we want to generate a knowledge transfer and debates on following issues:

good practice: rights and strategies of migrant’s political participation
impact: impact of migrant’s political participation on topics, political representation and decision-making processes
exchange: strategies of cooperation between public institutions and migrant organizations

Please register for the workshop at
Please also consult the website for further information. If you have any questions please contact me at:, 030-20 93 466 30

Kind regards,
Louisa Prause
Project „JedeStimme2011“
Citizens For Europe e.V.

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